The use of the kaginawa (hook and cord) is included in the Edo Machikata Juttejutsu transmitted in Masaki-ryu Nakajima-ha. The kaginawa is both literally and metaphorically a very flexible arrest tool, and can be used at either long or close range. A criminal armed with a sword could be surrounded from multiple directions, and then brought into submission with the weighted end, and the cord used to constrict his body and weapon to bring him to the ground, or at close range to restrain and arrest the opponent.
正木流中島派で伝わる江戸町方十手術には、鉤縄の扱い様も含まれています。鉤縄は捕り物にとっては遠間でも近間でも使える非常に融通の利く捕縛道具 です。刃物などを持った犯人を捕り押さえるには複数の捕り物が囲み、遠間より四方八方から鉤で制し、また縄で犯人の体、武器などを絡め、倒すことができま すし、近間で絡んで捕り押さえることもできます。