Nawa Yumio
Nakajima Michio-sensei's teacher, Nawa Yumio-sensei, was trained strictly by his grandfather (Nawa Honen) and father (Nawa Saikichiro) from a young age. The young Nawa apparently did not have an inherent liking for the martial arts and would attempt to slip out of training where possible. Upon making the slightest mistake his grandfather or father would even throw jutte at him to sharpen him up. However, in time he went on to absorb the entire traditions of Masaki-ryu Kusarijutsu and Edo Machikata Juttejutsu. After WWII, Nawa-sensei engaged in research on the physical movement necessary for the martial arts, and even became proficient in modern dance. Nawa-sensei's wife was also a dancer, and operated a dance studio for many years. Nawa-sensei taught Masaki-ryu Kusarijutsu and Edo Machikata Juttejutsu for many years at a dojo in a municipal gymnasium complex in Yushima, Tokyo, and also included ballet stretches etc. in instruction as a means of strengthening his students' waists and legs for training.
中島派正木流初代・中島通夫先生の師匠・名和弓雄先生は幼少の頃から祖父・名和豊年および父親・名和才吉郎に厳しい稽古をさせられたようです。もと もと武術が好きでなく、隙があれば稽古から逃げ出していたそうですが、少しでも間違えると十手などが投げつけられたとのことでしたが、次第に正木流鎖術お よび江戸町方十手術を吸収していくことになりました。 戦後、名和先生は武道で必要とされる体の運用の研究を続け、モダンダンスまで極めました。名和先生ご夫人もダンサーで、永年ダンススタジオも営んでいまし た。名和先生は湯島にある体育館の柔道場を借りて永年正木流鎖術と江戸町方十手術を教授していましたが、門弟の足腰の強化法として、バレーのストレッチな ども取り入れていました。