Softness over comes hardness 柔よく剛を制す
Nawa Yumio-sensei was intimately familiar with both his family's martial arts traditions and modern dance. He resultantly also incorporated stretching into his routine, and even in advanced age was able to move more beautifully and supplely than his young students. This is not merely a matter of aesthetics. Stretching daily improves the posture and expands one's range of mobility, and brings one's waza to life. Please try to incorporate stretching into your routine.
先代名和先生は家伝武術の他、ダンスにも精通していました。そのため、柔軟体操、いわゆるストレッチも取り入れ、ご高齢になっても、若い門下生より非常に きれいで、しなやかな動きを体現していました。これは単なる美学ではなく、ストレッチを日々することによって、姿勢を正して、各部位の可動域を広げ、技が 活きてきます。ぜひストレッチも取り入れてみてください